A simplistic, public facing app that plays on the competitive nature of people in order to get them excited about changing their behavior and learning more about fire safety.
The Task
The Charlottesville Fire Department (CFD) wants to make the city safer by educating its citizens about fire safety in an effort to prevent fires as well as provide an example of what to do in an emergency situation. They would also like to have more information on the households in order to better prepare their firefighters for emergency situations.Approach
Before being able to use this app, the user is required to complete a 'Fire Safety Quiz' in order to obtain a score on how fire safe their house and they are. This score will allow them to compare themselves to their neighbors and motivate them to raise their score by completing education modules and videos seen in the education tab. The app also allows the user to access other resources such as scheduling a smoke alarm installation appointment which the CFD does for free.Final login and home screen pages
User Research
A main component of applications that try to change user's behavior is competetiveness. We have an innate compepitive nature which motivates us to do certain things or change our behaviors which is why we decided to play on this nature in order to make users more educated on fire safety. By having a safety score and an interactive map with your neighbors scores, the users can see how others are doing and be motivated to change their score. Additionally, by having an opportunity to get some sort of insurance break through a better score, this will also motivate the user to educate themselves as well.Design Process
Final Iteration
April 2019
©Halle Wine 2022 — Brooklyn, New York